MiG-17 and derivatives manuals - in English

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1st Lieutenant
Sep 19, 2012
Aw flaming stralia
I am starting this one with a Shenyang Jian-5, also called J-5 and Fighter 5, maintenance and inspection manual but note that it includes multiple references to the MiG-15 and MiG-17 that the Chinese also operated. There are also multiple references to the two seater and I do not know if that means the MiG-15UTI or the Chengdu JJ-5. Maybe both. One diagram I recognize as MiG-15UTI but wackypedia says The Chinese also built a two-seat trainer version of the MiG-17, designated the Chengdu JJ-5 (Jianjiji Jiaolianji - Fighter Trainer - FT-5),[1] from 1968, by combining the two-seat cockpit of the MiG-15UTI, the VK-1A engine of the J-5, and the fuselage of the J-5A so the material probably applies to both two seaters.

This is an American translation (from the spelling) and badly done. There is no consistency in spelling or margins, the diagrams are not imbedded in the text and some of the chapters are not only out of sequence but also not included in the Table of Contents. It was very tempting to retype the whole mess but why waste the time.

It was scanned in exactly the same order as supplied with Gestetner binding (which means I will now have punch and fit the pages to a ring binder. Some pages were inverted but I corrected that and removed all the photocopy edges.

Next will be MiG-17 book II Armament in Russian with an attached translation of some of the diagrams.

EDIT - many of the Russian language pages have stuck together and I do not know how much I can salvage. It is the ink that is holding the pages together so I am doing some research on why and how to separate.


  • Jian-5 maint & insp ww2.pdf
    51.9 MB · Views: 347
Last edited:
Well book two on armament looks like a washout - I can salvage about a dozen pages, mainly of tooling. A couple of pages have good diagrams so I may post them

Here is a scan of a photocopied RUSSIAN language MiG-17 book 1 manual - the title translation below. The original was about A5 or 1/2 Letter size except for the fold outs which vary greatly in size - one is 56 x 42 cm (22 x 16.5 inches) and I cannot find the English text translation I had done many years back. Sorry about the glue lines on some foldouts, but I am tired and want to finish this post.



  • MiG-17 Performance in RUSSIAN.pdf
    13.4 MB · Views: 231

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