MiG-21FL of the 234th Fighter Aviation Regiment.....Sweden, spring 1967.

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MiG-21FL (1965; Izdeliye 77)F = Forsazh ("Reheat"), L = Lokator ("Radar")Export (Third world) model of the MiG-21PF. Downgraded from baseline MiG-21PF with older and less powerful R11F-300 engine, no provision for carrying RS-2US beam-riding missiles and a simplified, downgraded version of the RP-21 radar, designated R1L. Wide-chord fin and brake chute fairing at its base. Built under license in India as the Type77.


So, pretty much a....

Was thinking that as well....

By the way, do you know if the Polish Air Force paid the Swedish Air Force any visits back in the day, 60's, 70's or so?
By the way, do you know if the Polish Air Force paid the Swedish Air Force any visits back in the day, 60's, 70's or so?

To be honest I don't remind myself a such event. The only Polish MiGs that visited your country were these escaped.

BTW... regarding the corrections for the MiG 21FL ( type 77 ) ... similar to the early PF variant, the FL plane didn't have the SPS system for blowing flaps. The late PF ( PFS) and PFM versions had the system. So you should check on the wing and remove the flap actuator from the wing/flap undersides. Also the small accessing hatch at the port side of the fuselage slightly above the flap should be removed.
The "Blue 67" profile .... but I have to check on something ...

Jan is the film you posted above the Russian visit in Uppsala 1967 ? If it is, both of the profiles for the Blue 67 are wrong concerning the fin. IMHO, all Mig-21s seen in the footage were of the large fin ( like the late PFS and PFM and MF version ) with the one straight leading edge and the brake chute container at the fin root.
Also I can't believe the MiGs were of the FL variant. Having the better versions Russians wouldn't be used the "poor" variant. I would say the Mig-21s there could be the PFS of the 10-19 batches with the SPS system. .

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