Mig-3 in RAF service??????

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May 11, 2005

I've heard a couple of stories over the last couple of days about one , possibly two, Mig-3's in service with the RAF in Scotland during WWII. Apparently they were nicknamed Banshee and were used to combat the Junkers Ju-86P. It would be interesting to model one but did it really happen? I can't find any reference to it anywhere . Does anyone have any info????? :oops:
highlander said:

I've heard a couple of stories over the last couple of days about one , possibly two, Mig-3's in service with the RAF in Scotland during WWII. Apparently they were nicknamed Banshee and were used to combat the Junkers Ju-86P. It would be interesting to model one but did it really happen? I can't find any reference to it anywhere . Does anyone have any info????? :oops:
Must be honest.
I've never heard this one.
Its almost certainly a myth, the RAF used modified Spitfires to deal with the high altitude Ju 86P problem.

ps, the only aircraft named Banshee that I know about is a post war US jet
I have to agree, seems the mig wasn't known in the west until about 42 onwards so must be one of those myths that surface from time to time . Although the story did come through the son of a guy who supposedly serviced them in Scotland. Looks like I'll never know.
If you consider the complexity of operating any aircraft anywhere, then you have to come to the conclusion that the story's a myth, and a pretty unlikely one at that. Spares, servicing, tools, training, support, changes in equipment to meet RAF requirements, like radios, etc?
Apart from the, how did they get here? It would have to be on the Murmansk or Archangel convoy route and I don't recall stories of return cargoes from there - it was strictly one way to Uncle Joe (and precious little thanks).

Sorry, I just don't think it's on...
I can tell you what they may have been, as daft as it sounds........
Spitfires, like redcoat said, I know for a fact that 3 Spitfire Mk.IV's were sent up to Vaenga, Northern Russia to "spy" on the German shipping in Dec 1942, all three aircraft were operated by the RAF but painted in russian markings. There is a good chance that these would have come back via Scotland, and may have still had their Russian markings.

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