Miscellaneous Debris from lesofprimus...

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I hate all seafood, just the smell of fish makes me feel extremely sick. Ill eat a prawn or two but nothing else. To be honest, I only eat meats. No fruit, veg or seafood for me!
I used to travel to both extensively in the 80s. I found folks in Edmonton friendlier, but the night life sucked, I found parts of Calgary snooty, but the clubs were better. In either case the women were friendly in both places....
I didn't find the people in Calgary to be that bad. Edmonton either. But it seemed like the further north you went, the nuttier the people got.
Must be the cold and relative isolation up north.
Oh yeah definately, the only place in canada where you can find mainly mean people is Quebec, and the Edmontonians and Calgary dont necessarly hate each other we just think were better than one another, Im pretty bitter with them because they lost the Stanley Cup Finals to the worst team in the league.

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