modern air to air combat?

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Jul 5, 2005
vancouver ,B.C.
Is there any dogfights today where the planes shoot at each other with their cannons?Seems like it is just lock on target and missle away.As you can see I am not up on modern combat techniques.Another question is when was he last cannons blazing dogfight?
Probably back in the Beeka Valley (sp) between the Israelis and the Syrians. At least from first line formations. Beyond that, you could have air to air of some sort going on in the third world from time to time. But that could be very low tech, very old aircraft, oddball fights.
There were also gun kills duirng the Iran Iraq war as well as during GW1.

Fighters will ALWAYS need a gun. We learned that lesson in Viet Nam. Phantoms had to be retro-fitted with gun pods to more effectively fight the MIGs.

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