Most Unattractive Aircraft of WW2

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Apr 23, 2005
We often talk about the best of something or the worst but how about the most unattractive aircraft of WW2. I must emphasise we are talking about looks.

I know that there are some good French contenders but I will go with my personal choice the Barracuda.
I'll go with the LWS-6 (PZL.30 Zubr).


No performance to speak of, ugly beyond belief, and had a useful life of only several missions, including training. The few survivors ended up as airfield decoys to be destroyed in attacks in lieu of useful aircraft.

Has a face that makes a train want to take a dirt road on a rainy night. Well, maybe that's an exaggeration. OK, uglier than a Barracuda.
Leaving out the French heavy bombers, which just about make my eyes bleed, some other "winners" in the ugly category would include:

US -- B-18
Britain -- Roc
Germany -- Ju87
Soviet -- TB-3

As soon as my eyes stop bleeding, I'm going to walk my dog.
Oh, everybody had ugly planes, and quite a few handsome planes were pieces of crap (XF-87, anyone?)

Nobody could, realistically, call the Westland Lysander, Northrop Raider, Grumman Hawkeye and Tracker, Fairey Gannet, or Martin Marlin "pretty."
For the same reason as post-WW2 French aircraft

I didn't say it was ugly; I said it wasn't pretty. And why?
All those excrescences, the antenna, the plethora of tails (which is more noticeable on the C-2)

I agree about the C-2, but I think the Hawkeye looks pretty neat.

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