Much increased co-operation within Axis countries in technical and tactical matters?

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Yes! and that Thing is basics of Islam ...

The following text is from Quran 4 : 34

and here you can read the whole with English Translation:

ترجمهٔ معانی سوره سوره نساء - ترجمه انگلیسی - صحیح اینتر نشنال - دایرة المعارف قرآن کریم

Islam is great for those who are interested in Sexual things ... Sex slaves, Child marriage, and so many other dirty works covered under the shield of Sacred ...
The English Word "Whore" is drived from Arabic word "حور" , Fairy!

In Islamic believes, If you be a good man and avoid bad things in this universe, You'll be rewarded with many things in the other one, including Male and female sex slaves, that are virgin, white, young and beautiful! and A river of Wine that never drunken you! and so many other things!
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Thumpalumpacus GrauGeist

Thanks so much for your insight, bud.
Not sure if anyone mentioned the Cavity Magnetron the Japanese had and didn't share with Germany in 1940:

Mr. Ito was even in Germany to learn about their radar developments as well:

Germany getting that in 1940 and developing it in conjunction with Japan would have been a game changer in the radar war.
Can you imagine the effect of Germany deploying cavity magnetron radar ground and air systems in 1942? All the drag from the large radar antennae and weight of the system for the night fighters would be eliminated (1943 systems cost night fighters 50km/h speed and who knows how much flying time due to increased fuel use), it could be used in single engine fighters (no need for the 'wilde sau' tactic), and the accuracy would allow FLAK to be more accurate with much small systems; i.e. no huge Wurzburg systems. If deployed in 1942 the RAF is in for a really bad time. Imagine an Egerland system deployed in 1942 or 43:

This system controlling the 'large batteries' of FLAK used in 1942 (to economize the limited number of radar guidance systems) would be a lethal combo. Plus with CM airborne radar equipped night fighters using an analogous system to the 'Berlin' radar of OTL would make it particularly hairy for Bomber Command over Germany:

Could well mean the RAF bomber raids over Germany are defeated in 1943, maybe during the Battle of the Ruhr which could prevent the RAF blunting the planned armaments/munition increase of 1943:

If that doesn't happen then the Allies are in for a much rougher time in 1943. For instance if the Germans don't run out of artillery ammo during 4th Kharkov they might have won. The forgotten battles in Belarus in late 1943/early 1944 would be even bloodier than the OTL version, which was pretty horrific as it was and the subsequent Bagration offensive could have been substantially worse for the Soviets if the Germans weren't starved of munitions, fuel, and replacement equipment. Who knows how the war in Italy would have played out, especially with more effective and mobile FLAK systems. USAAF daylight bombing might have even ended up being cancelled if FLAK is more effective in 1943 as well.

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