Since WW2, the West has relied on quality over quantity. For the most part, I think quality has been a good nuetralizer of numerically superior forces. One aspect that has always been a concern is the vulnerability of NATO airfields.
It doesn't matter how good your F-16's, F-15's or F-22's are if they don't have a place to land. Sure you can argue that highways all over Europe could be impromptu airfields.. (the Swedes and Dane's have done a good job at this).. but logistics and battlefield readiness sustainability is not guaranteed.
Until now!
I think the Osprey and the F-35 will make a great team. Configure easily transportable WRSK packages ( War Readiness Spare Kits) for the Osprey to service the F-35 and parking lots, play grounds, cemeteries and parks become airfields....