My day at the flight museum + new info on FIFI (1 Viewer)

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Jun 10, 2004
Knoxville, TN
On my birthday Saturday, my wife took me over to the Cavanaugh Flight Museum in Addison. I figured I could get a new shirt or something in the gift shop as there wouldn't be anything new to look at. I was very wrong.

I decided to go through the museum anyway because on the tarmac between the 4 hangers that belong to the museum, I noticed 2 Sikorsky Seahorse helicopters I haven't seen before. I figured at least I could see those. Well, every time I go there, I have to look at the beautifully restored FG-1D Corsair, which is still waiting for the engine. She was in a hanger with the Avenger, the FM-2 Wildcat, the AT-6, the Mohawk, one of the T-28 Trojans, and the Skyraider.

Well, I walked out of that hanger and saw the B-24 "Ol 927" sitting in another hanger. COOL!!!! I haven't seen her up close before....and they were letting people inside her. I got to walk up to the cockpit to almost the tail gun. What a fantastic aircraft and beautifully restored and maintained.

Here is where it got really great. Outside the B-24 was an elderly gentleman in a wheelchair who was controlling the people going in and out of the bomber. I started talking to him and it turns out he is Col. Jack Bradford, an American who flew for the RAF.

He flew the entire war from England and flew P-51's, P-47's, Spitfire's, Hurricane's, Typhoon's, Beaufighter's, Mosquito's and co-piloted B-24's. He said of all the planes, the Mosquito was his favorite. He said it was just a dream to fly and faster than lightning. He said he felt invincible in the Typhoon as it just felt like he was in a flying battleship.

He also told me in October, the hope Fifi will be taking part in Wings over Houston, then it will travel to Cavanaugh Flight Museum to stay. You will be able to board her and look around....PLUS they will be offering rides on her.........for $995. Ouch!!!!

Sure was a great day!
$1000 might seem a lot, but it will be something you will never forget. How many people are able to say they flew in a B-29?
I bet that was cool experience Thor! I had a similar story happen here in Des Moines. The B-17 Liberty Bell was here a summer back or so, had a short, older gentleman walk up to us and ask us if we had any questions. He looked like a ornery, high spirited old guy. Turns out was a B-17 mechanic during WW2 in England. He walked us around the B-17 and gave us quite a bit of info. Really was cool!

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