N1K2-J Shiden-Kai Performance

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Since the U.S. knew the engine power curve of Ha-45-21

They calculated the performance of Japanese fighters based on that

Let's look at the Ki-84 TAIC - Ha-45-21
663kph (412mph) at 6000m

With WEP
687kph (427mph) at 6000m
687 / 663 = 1.0362

635 x 1.0362 = 658
Thanks, that makes sense. But am I understanding correctly that you are using the TAIC speed calculation to derive the Ha-45-21's fully rated power output? We're both familiar with the numerous reasons (such as the Pe-32 prop and TAIC's miscalculation of drag) that number can't be fully trusted. But I am interested in why you consider it to be valid as you have been using valid methodology.

Also, thank you for entertaining my questions. Regarding the Shiden Kai, I'm trying to run an AI translation on the manual but so far it hasn't been successful. But does it mention in the manual that the N1K2-J used the derated Ha-45-21 special? I vaguely remember reading somewhere that it did use the derated engine but I can't find the source.
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In the opening post you can see the lower manifold pressure compared to what fully rated Ha-45-21 has

Furthermore we see Japanese prototype flight test results and beside it there's calculated figures

It wouldn't make sense to have 2 different performance columns if there was no difference

Ki-84 TAIC says that the engine has
1765hp at SL at Military power
1970hp at WEP
1970 / 1765 = 1.1161
Cube Rooted = 1.0373
It also says
350mph at SL at military power
363mph at SL at WEP
350 x 1.0373 = 363

Now according to the taic, Ki-84 has 662-663kph at 6000m and we know the WEP multiplier is 1.0373
662 x 1.0373 = 687

The TAIC also gives the Ki-84 a speed of 687kph at 6000m. This means the WEP multiplier hasn't still lost power due to being over the maximum optimal altitude yet. If x1.0373 is still applicable at 6000m

It means that if 1625hp is the power at 6000m at military power , then it has ~1815hp at 6000m with WEP (1970 / 1765 = 1.1161, 1625 x 1.1161 = 1814hp)

If then the N1K2-J achieved 611km/h at 6000m with 1450 horsepower…Then with 1815hp (Ha-45-21 full power with WEP)
It would have;
1815 / 1450 = 1.2517
Cube Rooted = 1.0777
611 x 1.0777 = 658kph

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