November 28
PoW docks at Colombo enroute to Singapore. The Admiralty briefly considers attaching the old Light Carrier Hermes to acompany her, but rejects this on the grounds of Hermes lack of speed and endurance.
USS Enterprise departs Hawaii for Wake, carrying Marine Corps F4fs for Wake.
In Washington the President attempts to prolong the negotiations by telling Nomura "the US will continue to be patient". Meanwhile, a crisis meeting in Washington was briefed on the latest Intell. Estimates are that Japanese invasion fleets are ready to sail from Shanghai, Formosa, and Hainan, and that other Groups are already at sea. The meeting is advised "a terrific blow to all three western powers in the region is ready to fall. The President accepts the situation, and advises his staff "if either the British or the NEI are attacked by Japanese we will join them. Messages to that effect are sent at least to the British.
It is agreed to make a last ditch personal plea to the emperor.
November 29
MAGIC reveals a report from Ambassador Oshima that the germans gave gurantees to the Japanese "Should Japan become engaged in a war against the US, Germany of course would jointhe war immediately"
Curiously, Foreign Minister Togo does not seek any public announcement of this gurantee from the Germans.
In Tokyo Tojo advises his cabinet that there is now no alternative but war or "we'll lose the chance to fight"
Emperor Hirohito requests a meeting of the Jushin Council and Tojos cabinet to discuss Roosevelts offer. The Jushin Council is an advisory body of elder statesman in Japan with no legally binding weight but considerable weight just the same.
The Council includes quite a few moderates, including Prince Konoye, the Maquis Kido and Barons Okada and Wakatsuki . The Maquis had wanted the meeting with the Emperor present, so that hirohito could see the various opinions, but Tojo would not allow this, on the grounds that the Jushin had no legal status in the Japanese Government. A compromise was reached wherein after the meeting the elder stateman and Tojo would lunch with the Emperor and express their opinions. These final manouverings were important, because if the Emperor had expressed opposition to the move to war, Tojo would have been forced to back down. If the Emperor supported hm would be the best for tojo. if the Emperor was silent, Tojo could legally exercise his executive power.
The meeting began at 9:30 and and continued throughout the day. Ther was a break for the lunch with the emperor, and the meeting continued right through for the rest of the day into the evening
At the luncheon with the emperor, all but two of the Jushin Counci expressed opposition or doubt about the wisdom of going to war. The following is a summary of the main members various comments:
Wakatsuki : "the people have a strong spiritual strength"...." but we must carefully study whether we have the resources at our disposal to succeed in this task....this morning we have listed to the Government explanations, but i am still concerned"
Okada:"I too am not convinced"
Prince Konoye "I wonder if it is necessary to resort immediately to war even if the negotiations have failed to this point. I feel we can find a solution and still keep the status quo. In other words remain in the condition of gashin-shotan (to endure bitter hardship in the short term in the intersts of long term success)
Admiral Yonai: "I am not able to express a concrete opinion, since I dont have the background. But if you will forgive the slang I think that by trying to avoid the jiri-hin(slow poverty), we will succumb to the doka-hin(fast poverty, or fast death)
Two Jushin Generals, Abe and Hayashi were in favour of war.
Tojo tried to stop Wakatake from further comment, but could not. Wakatake asked the Council memebers and the emperor to think it over carefully and only support war if national survival was at stake. He did not think going to war for the sake of a concept....the greater east asia Co-properity sphere, wa worth risking the nation over.
Tojo was given the final right of reply. He stubbornly reiterated the matter had been discussed in detail at many liason conferences. He strongly advocated that there was no alternative to war at this stage. His hand picked cabinet collegues supported him, except Admiral Nagano who remained silent. Eventually and reluctantly, Nagano spoke....."The zero hour for out attack is December 8". Nagao revealed the surprise attack on Pearl at that point. This was news even to Tojo who had only been briefed to that point about the attacks and prepration in east Asia.
There followed an intense round of questions, Nagano finally revealed....grudgungly....that the attack was planned as a surprise attack. This evoked opposition from even the Government men, particularly Togo. Restrained at first, he eventually exploded, saying " the Navy plan was entirely unnacceptable, being contrary to all accepted norms and conventions. It was unthinkable for Japan to commit irresponsible acts that were hurtful to the national honour and prestige. One of the Jushin remarked that the Navy entire Japanese nation would be viewed as a bunch of drunk men on their way home from a late night drinking session.....
The meeting and the luncheon adjourned with the Emperor remaining totally silent.