Need a good picture of P-38 Console

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Tech Sergeant
Mar 8, 2009
Riverside, California
I don't know if this is the right area to post this, I'm making a template for a P-38L for use in IL-2 flight sim. I am trying to get a good picture of the cockpit console/instrument panel for my template. I would also like a copy of the lettering and warning stickers if possible. I checked online and I guess you have to purchase the whole kit to get the decals. I know that modelers do fantastic jobs on the aircraft, so I thought I would give it a shot. What I need is a straight on shot to use.
Sorry about the clipping, it's about all this scanner can handle but you're not missing much top and bottom. It's at times like this I need my Umax S6-E back in commission, now that was a scanner...


  • p-38c.jpg
    91 KB · Views: 291
Oh, and I can't get in close enough to see the decals, you can't even read them from the source


  • p-38d.jpg
    57.8 KB · Views: 186
Nice work Colin! Wish I'd had that a few months ago! Decent pics of the P38 cockpit are hard to come by - I searched high and low! Found some, but not the complete area in one shot. That's the best I've seen to date.
Ah Ha! Thought I recognised the style of artwork Colin! They ARE big books, although it's a long time since I saw one. I remember the 'fuss' at the time of the first publication, a Mustang IIRC, with reviewers (and me!) being stunned by the clarity, detail and quality of the work, such as had never been seen before, not in full colour anyway. Thanks for the info Colin - I know where to come if I'm stuck for clear cockpit shots now!!
...I know where to come if I'm stuck for clear cockpit shots now
Not a problem (barring fitting the plate in question onto my puny scanner)
list would include:-


just give me a shout
If its any help, I have an A3 'professional' (at least it says that on the side and it does do some brilliant scans with ridiculous resolutions...and correspondingly heeeuuuge files !!!) scanner....and 'that book' of my faves in my library.

I'll have a look and see what I can come up with ref cockpit shots from my other scources.
Thanks Geedee, I'll take all I can get. Do you know how I can order just the decal sheet from a model kit dealer? I would like to get the fuselage stencils in a good resolution so I can cut and past them using Photoshop onto my P-38L photo-recon, "8" Ball.
Thanks Colin and Gary. I've got a fair library of cockpit shots, including those taken by myself, but I'll let you know if I'm stuck, thanks again.

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