I'll add my 2 cents/ opinion, with only enough knowledge to be dangerous compared to the others. But I think pretty darn close for the gamer. Speed.: Me262-15, P-51 - 13, P-47-12, FW190-11, F4U-10, Spitfire -9, La-7 - 8, Me109-6, F6F - 5, Yak-3 - 4, Zero - 3. Strength: P-47 - 15, F6F- 14, F4U- 13, FW190- 12, La-7 - 10, P-51- 9, Spitfire -8, Yak-3 - 6, Me109- 5, Me262 - 4, Zero -2. Weapon power:Me262 - 15, P-47-13, FW190-12, F4U/F6F - 11, Me109 / Spitfire -10, P-51 - 9, Zero -8, La-7/ Yak-3 -6. Turn ability: Zero -15, Yak-3 - 14, Spitfire - 13, La-7 -12, F6F- 11, F4U - 10, P-51 - 9, Me109 - 8, Fw190 - 7, P-47 - 5, Me262 - 3.
Not trying to start any arguments. These are opinions only, not gospel. Yes I have some aircraft tied with each other for various reasons. There are jumps in some of the numbers because I feel the next airplane ahead or behind there is a big enough difference in that category. As in the speed of the Me262 is 15, and the Mustang is 13. Why do I feel I am risking my head giving these opinions?????? lol
I think rate of roll should be a critical element as well. It is the first part of a turn!