Need help with ancestors...

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Master Sergeant
Greetings ladies and gentlemen.

I started to do a little search about my great grand-father using both of the following sites :

Danish Naming Patterns - Search

My great grand-father being born around 1872 somewhere in Denmark, I started to search for his name in the database (second link). I came out with nothing. There is no Andrew Larsen born in Danish territory.

My theory is that he changed his first name when he arrived in Canada. The Danish naming patterns being very confusing, I don't know the last name of his father... Only his first name : Lars.

However, I think that he may have simply changed his real name for an English translation. So I need help. Does anyone on here knows the Danish translation of "Andrew" ?
Check the soundex codes. Many times when people arrived in the new world, the names were altered by the local immigration authorities who often were barely literate. It you don't know what the soundex codes are, they are names that sound like Larsen (in your case) that are spelled differently.

The reason I say to check that is because on the Binkley side of my family, it originated in Switzerland as Binggeli. So if you soundex search on Binggeli, Binkley, Binkly, Brinkley etc all come up with quite a few others. That can sometimes lead to clues from the home countries. Was Andrew an immigrant, or was it his descendants that immigrated? If he was the immigrant, there are databases of passenger manifests online and in other places.
Andrew Larsen was born in Denmark (don't know where exactly) around 1872. At the age of 14, he let down school and became a sailor for 23 years. Then, he continued to sail in the St-Laurent river and in the Saguenay for the Price Brothers and Company. Then, in 1927, he started to work for the Ste-Anne Paper Company until his death in 1948.

He married Lydia Godin in 1905.

That's all I know of him.

Oh, and thanks for the soundex tip. I'll take a look at it.
Luckily my family did not change their names when they came to South Africa and kept the family names till this day. I got the names of the first member of the Greeff family who arrived in South Africa from Germany and I traced it through a book published about the Greeff family in South Africa many years ago. We have also a family register in Cape Town where most family's can trace their family history and when they arrived here and from which country.

My full names are Hendrik Gabriel Greeff with two dots on the e in Gabriel.

Do you have a family register there in Canada Maestro?
Yes ! I finally found it ! My mother kept the name of both Andrew's mother and father. I was able to find the right person using them.

Anders Frederik LARSEN
Sex: M

Birth: 26 Nov 1872 Place: <Horsholm, Frederiksborg, Denmark>
Christening: 29 Jun 1873 Place: Horsholm, Frederiksborg, Denmark

Father: Soren LARSEN
Mother: Henriette Martine PETERSEN

Source Information:
Batch Number: C221073
Source Dates: 1839 - 1892
Film or Fiche Number: 48677
Collection Details: Horsholm; Den Danske Folkekirke
Allo ! J'ai quelques info concernant Andrew Larsen marié a Lydia Godin et j'aimerais échanger avec toi,i Have info about Andrew Larsen

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