Yesterday, I took some old roof shingles to the landfill and discovered to my horror a trove of WW 2 relics. Unfortunately, much of if had already been crushed to pieces by this huge machine with a giant wheel with spikes on it. Luckily, I did manage to salvage some pieces which appear to be aircraft parts, I'm assuming Japanese and German. I'm not 100% sure what they are some I'm posting the photos here after I spent all day yesterday cleaning them.
This is the Japanese instrument, appears to be a navigational aid, and still works!
The German device appears to be a camera of sorts, and it even has the film canister still in it. Gun camera? Recon camera? I have a few cables which look like they go to this thing.
It was a real chore to clean these up. I was really upset that I couldn't save anything else. I saw a lot of other aircraft parts, mostly gauges that were all broken up by the machine. Also some US uniform, shredded all up with a few ribbons attached. I asked the driver if he could give me a few minutes to salvage what I could, even explained to him what they were. He just told me to F-off, I wasn't allowed to take this from the dump. I only got away with the Japanese instrument, and 2 German cameras, identical to eachother, though I posted only one. The other is still a real mess.
My guess, some old vet passed away recently, and either his family members were so dumb as to throw all of his stuff away, or he had no family and somebody tossed it in the garbage. Very very sad. I noticed a few B/W photos in the area as well.