Need info on B-25 with nose art

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Apr 11, 2009
Hello all, first time here.
I've been searching every site I can find but have had no luck.

The one and only picture I have of my father is with him standing alongside of a B-25 with nose art of a pin-up girl that says "Cover Girl" along side it.

I am hoping somebody would maybe have info on that plane or tell me where to find it.

Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

Thank you Snautzer!
I don't know how you did that so quick, I'm brand new on the computer. I'm lucky to be able to do email with my skills. I really appreciate it and can't thank you enough.

All I have from my father is that one picture. I didn't even know he was in the service until recently when I got the picture. His name was Jack Bowman.

I'm sorry to bother you again, but do you know if there is any other way to get info on him such as military records or anything like that?

Thanks again.
the 57th bomb wing of the 12th AF has an extensive site that covers the 321st Bomb Group 447th Bombing Squadron that "Cover Girl " was a part of. You'll need to register with them to dig into their roster and archives.. As good as anyplace to begin looking...

Welome to the 57th Bomb Wing Association Website

their "links" page will help you find other sites with information B-25s of the MTO's 12th, 310th, 319th, 321st and 340th Bomb Groups, European-African-Middle Eastern (EAME) Campaign

Remember, he may or may not have been a member of the crew of that particular aircraft and also that aircrews were often transient in aircraft assignments. He may also have been ground crew or other otherwise attached. It stands to reason that he was a member of the 447th BS, but he may well have been with another squadron or bomb group.
Keep on diggin' till you find something. good luck to you!
Dear Snautzer, D James, Roman Susil, Wurger,
God bless all of you. It's good to know there are still nice people in the world.

I can't wait to get started on the leads you've provided.

So far I've found out he was based in Solenzara, Corsica. He was an aerial gunner on B-25's with the 447th. I have his records of July 1944 of some bombing missions on railroad bridges and viaducts in Italy: Ronta, Pietrasanta, Vado, Mantua, Allesandria Marshalling yards (40 miles east of Turin), Sermide, Borgoforte, Peschiera, Bogliasco, Ostiglia and Legnano.

They were heavily flakked on some of those missions in July with all 18 or 19 planes on the missions being holed. They lost a pilot over Vado on July 6th and the co-pilot (2nd Lt William Wigmore) was wounded on my father's plane (A/C #43-4060).

He trained at Columbia Army Air Base in South Carolina in Aug Sep 1942.
I haven't seen "Cover Girl" so far in the limited amount of data I've seen but he was on missions on "Little David" and "Superstitious Aloysius" among other numbered aircraft. He went to Rest Camp on Capri in Sep. of 44.

I'll post a picture of him with "Cover Girl" as I become more proficient with the computer. Right now I'm all thumbs.

Thanks again everybody for all your help. I really appreciate it. I'll be checking back in to advise of my progress.


Thanks for the pictures Mr Susil, I'll bet you have some interesting stories to tell. By the way, my wife is of Czech descent, her last name was Horak.
not cover girl but 321st Bomb Group 447th Bomb Squadron in action.


  • Clipboard01.jpg
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training on the job. ( gunner training italy 1944)


  • B25_14_tailgun trainer.jpg
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crew of the 321st Bomb Group 447th


  • Capt Henry Steve Stephenson, B25 Pilot.jpg
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To rdgrnr looking for info on his father Jack Bowman.

The B-25 with the Nose Art "Cover Girl" was my fathers plane. He was a Lt. and the Pilot of the B-25 you are looking for. I have photos he took while in Corsica that have other soldiers in them. With some luck, I may even have a photo of your father. My fathers name was Calvin B. Christian and the crew Chief on the plane was Sgt. R. Gold?????. I have not looked thru everything that I have for info that may list your father on the crew. I am hoping that you check this websirte from time to time and that you find my posting. My name is Gil Christian, I am in Virginia, USA and my cell number is (540) 533-2467 and my email is I just registered on this website today. I don't know if they have their own email or not but reaching me one of the ways listed above would be best. I hope to hear from you soon and hopefully I can provide you with some help and maybe some photos. Thanks, Gil

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