Need some information for a research paper

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Nov 16, 2007
I was refered to this site through a friend, who is also doing a paper on World War II air power and development, because we thought the database was up and running. Although it's not so, I thought I could find help here on the forums.

I'm looking for a large database or list of World War II aircraft. I need the major specs on the planes (engines, weapons, materials, etc.) for the paper. It can't be a .com site though, but anything else is fine. Can anyone help me out?

I would go find induvidual planes on different sites, but we can only use one site. It also poses the problem of not having the same information for each plane (eg - one site might have all the specs for one plane, but another site might have only the engine and speed spec of another plane.)

Any help would be appreciated. I REALLY want to write a good paper.

Well, Thank you. I'll check it out. This should help a lot.

However, I'd still like to see if there's a nice clean database of them out there somewhere. I've searched for a while, to no avail.

But again, thanks.
If I had a project topic like that....
I would keel over
I'd love to have a project like that...
Check any book store, especially around Christmas time.
They've ALWAYS got a "Great book of WWII planes" laying around some place.


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