New Movie Release on 6 Oct 2023 - One to Watch!!!

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Jul 25, 2007
Cambridgeshire, England
I stumbled across this upcoming film release, "The Great Escaper" starring Michael Caine.

It's based on the true story of a 90 year-old D-Day veteran who escapes from his care facility in the UK so he can participate in the anniversary celebrations of the D-Day landings. I'm sure the film takes liberties with the actual story but the trailer (see linky below) shows more humour, emotion, and storyline than most full-length films these days (and I realize how old I sound as I write that!):

I don't normally go out to the cinema/movie theater these days but I plan to make an exception for this one. It's my small, insignificant, attempt to encourage the movie industry to strive to make better movies.

Hope other forum-ites will take a look at the film. Not sure how widely it'll be released outside the UK but Michael Caine has international appeal so, hopefully, it'll be shown across the US too.
Glenda Jackson and Michael Caine... it doesn't get any better than those two! Bad title, though.

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