New player questions

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May 6, 2009
Hi, i'm new to IL-2, i just got it the other day. My main question is, how should i set the game up? What mods/patches should i use to get the full potential out of the game?

Also, im running on a highish-end Vista PC and i want to get absolute maximum graphics out of it, but cant seem to figure out how to edit the config file right. does anyone know what absolute max settings are

Much appreciation

Just forget the pre-set GFX cards in the hardware setuplist. Go for custom and put everything on what you can find, get the max resolution (screen) of your PC and add some extra adjustments in the files (some with shaders on 2/3 or higher, its been mention in skin topic, as i asked the same ) And play lol!
Hi and Welcome!!

Get all the mods and install them all improves the sim 10000000 tiimes!!. dont see it as mods, but rather as a massive update patch
especially AI mod and 6-DOF.

for setting up your sim, visit here:Mission4Today › Downloads › IL-2 Shturmovik Stab Version 6.3

IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946. It provides easy configuration of documented and undocumented features within the game.


o Display Historically correct Luftwaffe and Finnish aircraft markings.
o Display authentic German and Finnish awards/medals.
o Use alternate Luftwaffe ranks in Campaigns.
o Easily modify game options that cannot be modified in the game GUI.
o Record your own thoughts and comments in Campaigns in a free format War Diary.
o Display more detailed pre-mission briefings for Campaign missions in the War Diary.


o Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP
o Internet Explorer 5.01 or greater
o IL-2 Sturmovik (International and Russian editions) patched to version 1.2
o IL-2 Sturmovik: Forgotten Battles (International and Russian editions) patched to version 1.22
o IL-2 Sturmovik: Forgotten Battles Ace Expansion Pack (optional) patched to version 2.04
o Pacific Fighters patched to version 4.04 either in a merged install with IL-2 Sturmovik: Forgotten Battles/Ace Expansion Pack or in a stand alone install
o Pe-2 Add-on (optional)
o IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946 patched to version 4.08m either in a merged install with IL-2 Sturmovik: Forgotten Battles/Ace Expansion Pack/Pacific Fighters or in a stand alone install
o Desktop resolution set to 1024 by 768 pixels (or greater) and 16 bit colour


IL-2 Shturmovik Stab has program support built-in to support languages other than English.

English and German languages are provided in the base release.


Version 6.3

Added support for IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946.

Added options to the Graphics tab in the Options dialog.

Internal code changes.


Version 6.3

Corrected the map co-ordinate mappings for the Northwest Europe map in the War Diary.


A couple of items that did not make the ReadMe:

You can now add new screen resolutions through the GUI. Scroll to the end of the Resolutions dropdown list and select Click to add... You cannot delete resolutions you have added though. If you need to / want to, you will have to edit the ..\Resolutions.dat manually or copy this file from the ZIP distribution over your installed copy.

There are now ambient random background sounds in the War Diary. If you find them annoying, select ALT + S to toggle them off and on.

I have expanded the South East Asia Strategic map (covered Singapore) in the War Diary to cover the Far East as well. So it now covers Burma, Manchuria and Khalkin Gol as well.

Although Stab is now 1946 aware, bear in mind my interest is really only in the Eastern Front and Stab reflects that. And as I do not have 1946, I have not been able to provide tactical maps for Kiev, Italy, Norway etc.

Vista users: Stab should work under Vista. However, do not install Stab into the default location of C:\Program Files\IL-2 Shturmovik Stab.

UAC in Vista may prevent the saving of configuration settings and/or other stupidity. I suggest you install into C:\Games\Utilities\IL-2 Shturmovik Stab or similar.

The same goes for the game(s); do not install
into the default location! Install into C:\Games\... or similar.

thanks guys, but i cant seem to get my resolution over 1280x960 without it resetting to the default 800x600 (or something close to that) my monitor runs regularly at 1680x1050 so this is a big decrease in resolution for me. Thanks for the link Edd, this has helped me a lot.
open config.ini in your sim root folder.

width=800 <---------Change Here
height=600 <---------Change Here
EnableResize=0 <--------- Set to 1

Hope it works

I got the resolution fixed, but i have a request. what mods would you personally recommend? as far as new planes and such. also, anything graphically enhancing, but mostly new planes.
I got the resolution fixed, but i have a request. what mods would you personally recommend? as far as new planes and such. also, anything graphically enhancing, but mostly new planes.

my honest reply: Install all of them

I have almost all mods installed, but AI-Mod and 6DOF is some of the best there is. Also all the new maps, aircraft.... install it all

thanks guys. Sturmer, that link to AAA really helped. It added a ton of stuff, i like the game better already. and thanks for the advice edd, im gonna install every mod that i ca get my hands on. One thing, is there any easy way to make new aircraft skins? Ive already done some small editing in photoshop, but the work is tough due to the file type and it isnt easy to tell what im actually painting. Is there any easier way to do this?
Probably the only option is having a good base, so a skin template from one of the artists and a tutorial from simmerspaintshop?

Nope its really easy if you know some PhotoShop. I think what you want is to FIRST open the skin you wanna edit (like void) and set it from INDEX color to RGB color (Image > Mode > RGB color) and if you have a skin you like a lot (like the shaders on it and the soot/rust/dirt) you can take out the color by desaturate (Image > Adjustment > desaturate). Put the skin you have unlock bg (double click on the bg layer) and put it on Multilpy or screen and your ready (take a look at the Skin topic also for more info, as they had some other ways to take out the white)


Nope, but just scroll down in config.ini. It is near to the end of the file
water = 3


Tnx man, i hope my GFX card wont let me down on this one, seen screens and they look so fooking hot with that water.
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hey there you will know every thing and find every thing nessecery to play your il2 online in the following link.
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