New Semi Rotary Engine with 2 Connecting Rods

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The rotary, valve-less intake and exhaust process is interesting. Sort of like a sleeve valve.
They were supposed to be a new new thing back in the 1970s. As I understand it momentum is a vector with magnitude and direction. The way that works man of the parts in it like the con rods are not travelling in any particular direction so have no momentum, like a "governor" it seems self limiting and wasteful of energy.
True, but if, as they claim, it is smaller and lighter than the same horsepower conventional engine it would useful for a drone if around the same cost. I can't see any other use admittedly
It may (or may not) produce less vibration or different types of vibration to a normal single cylinder motor. A 90 degree V twin is smoother than a straight "4" for the same displacement, it just doesnt look like it will be when you see one working on a graphic.
cantilevered cranks seem problematic. The exposure of the ports is also problematic. How would variable port timing work?

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