No B-29 in Korea

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It is turning into a most intriguing question.

The B-36 wasn't available in 1950 in operational numbers needing all sorts of fixies.

Even assuming the B-45 was made in bigger numbers that doesn't solve the logistics problems. The B-45 didn't have enough range to deploy across the Pacific and trying to sending the planes by ship requires taking wings off. It could be done but rather difficult.

The B-29 was used for a number of reasons. The SAC was using higher priority squadrons to guard the Russians. So you can't automatically use the best US planes in the inventory.

It was around 580-600 miles at the shortest to fly bases in Japan to the Korea/China border one way so the US/UN forces might have build more bomber bases inside Korea?
Then just bring her back - you know you want too!
And look at that range...

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I just caught up with this - Range? That data is for a reconnaissance version.

The Mosquito would have been a welcomed asset in Korea but I doubt it would have been able to maintain serviceability due to the environment and operational pace.

Was the statement "Considered a B-17 replacement in WW2" part of the original article or a "what if" add on???
With the exception of those operated by the RAF, I think you'll find those post war operators were "low utilization operators." I know the Israeli Mosquitos were used extensively up until the Suez conflict and were withdrawn shortly thereafter.

Hi Joe.
It was just a humble attempt at humour - as Dimlee's thread appeared when the Mosquito/B-17 thread was running 'hot and fast.'
If the B-17, why not the B-29 as well.
Apologies for the confusion - no offence intended.
Hi Joe.
It was just a humble attempt at humour - as Dimlee's thread appeared when the Mosquito/B-17 thread was running 'hot and fast.'
If the B-17, why not the B-29 as well.

Apologies for the confusion - no offence intended.
No apologies needed and no offence taken - I figured it might have been a clever alteration, I know a few people who would have ran with it! LOL!
Under different circumstances, B-45 production might have been greater. An engineer who worked on B-29's at the Bell bomber plant in Georgia said that he stayed at work there after most people had been terminated post-VJ day because he was working on a proposal to build B-45's there. One wonders if it was just bureaucratic inertia and it took a while to realize that there wasn't going to be massive production needed of anything.

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