No material restrictions on Jumo 004, jets a year early?

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Staff Sergeant
Jul 30, 2012
Chicagoland Area
According to Wikipedia:
Junkers Jumo 004 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Without the material restrictions on the Jumo 004A could it have seen service introduction in 1943 rather than 1944? Reading up on the use of Cromadur to replace Tinadur (basically alloyed steel parts instead of the nickel alloys)caused all sorts of delays due to the need to incorporate cooling refinements and of course alter the manufacture of the blades themselves due to different vibration patterns. Would the original prototype have been available a year earlier without having to use other materials?
I'd guess at least 18 months.

Jumo 004B was essentially a new engine design which had many technical problems associated with the hollow turbine blades.

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