Okinawa April 1945

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Airman 1st Class
I built this a few years back. Was looking for something different to try and broke open a box of my old built plastic kits from the 70's that had been boxed up and followed us around on moves across the country sealed for over 30+ years. We all know what happens to plastic kits over time and with house moves damage is inevitable. But they were protectd from dust and light so fix the broken props and other small parts and use this for the project. Needed to find
the smallest scale ships available .....


Then use the old models modified a bit for the diorama
board_zpsaptatt2y (1).jpg
final betty okah_zps9i4n5s2y (1).jpg

I salvaged a lot from those old kits. The Betty is a old Hasegawa 1/72 kit that came with the Baka. I wanted to simulate the launch so this is my attempt at flames.... The ship is the smallest scale Yamato I could find and the submarine is carrying the Kaiten kamikaze subs. The escorts and others are Bachmann brothers mini planes and a 1/144 seaplane from my collection of these in the late 60's early. 70's . The ships are Nichimo and Tamiya water line I-58.

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