Westfield Charlie
Airman 1st Class
A camouflaged hanger hidden in the Brandenburg pine forests, where the Luftwaffe is reduced to using roads for runways. An Me 262 is being readied for takeoff, with 24 underwing R4m and two 50 mm undercarriage rockets. Two pilots on stand-by alert who arrived in the ubiquitous Volkswagen Kubelwagen, are consulting a map with the help of another flight officer. An ME 163 rocket-propelled-glider fighter is getting its "C-stoff" tank filled with extremely explosive fuel, A "T-stoff" tank is gingerly lowered from a nearby Krupp Protze 6 X4 wheel drive truck.
In the middle of it all, Heinz Bar, the leading jet ace of the war is discussing aerial tactics with Adolph Galland. A third Messerschmitt aircraft, Galland's Bf108 four-seat tourer, is undergoing a last-minute engine tune-up. While a card game entertains other off-duty pilots and ground crew, his staff car, a Citroen Traction Avant 11CV waits, the driver and another staff officer watching off-duty pilots engaged in their own endgame.
This diorama takes a lot of liberties with historical accuracy, (glaring example-I know no one in his right mind would be anywhere near that 163 while it was loaded with C-Stoff,) but . . . I wanted to do some wheels down aircraft and had the idea of making an outsized camouflaged hanger to display several in the rapidly shrinking display space in my model room.
I built the hanger from plastic I beams, hung a hand-painted camo net over it, put in the trees and cement pad, modified a few 1/48 scale figures and scratch-built a chess set. (I'm also a chess nut.) Hope you like it.
In the middle of it all, Heinz Bar, the leading jet ace of the war is discussing aerial tactics with Adolph Galland. A third Messerschmitt aircraft, Galland's Bf108 four-seat tourer, is undergoing a last-minute engine tune-up. While a card game entertains other off-duty pilots and ground crew, his staff car, a Citroen Traction Avant 11CV waits, the driver and another staff officer watching off-duty pilots engaged in their own endgame.
This diorama takes a lot of liberties with historical accuracy, (glaring example-I know no one in his right mind would be anywhere near that 163 while it was loaded with C-Stoff,) but . . . I wanted to do some wheels down aircraft and had the idea of making an outsized camouflaged hanger to display several in the rapidly shrinking display space in my model room.
I built the hanger from plastic I beams, hung a hand-painted camo net over it, put in the trees and cement pad, modified a few 1/48 scale figures and scratch-built a chess set. (I'm also a chess nut.) Hope you like it.
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