Thanks Flavio. Ok, well, I have been ready to put colour on the SM79 that Im building for a few weeks and had no luck in retrieving the colour of that Sparviero, but . . . . having second and third looks at some of the colour plates available on the Osprey Savia Marchetti S.79 Sparviero by Marco Mattioli and the colour plates by Richard Caruana (credit due where credit is due) and the aircrafts from the 278, and 283 Squadriglia Autonoma Aerosiluranti #7 and 9 The colour appears, to me anyway. Two Sparvieri have a yellow coloured band around the engine cowls. Allora cosa faccio? I am going to use my experience in using Italian colours is an attempt to interprete that colour for the S.M.79 used on this Operation, Operazione Canarino, Agosto 1942. Vi varo' sapere come esce.