P-39 and P-63 Data

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I would also add that even to this day with wind tunnels and supercomputers airflow is still a bit of a mystery. I disagree with the statement that the F-4U airframe was well understood. I don't believe that given the tools of the day we can state that any aircraft of that era was well understood. In particular as aircraft speeds approached the speed of sound localized airflow could reach near supersonic increasing drag dramatically. The kangaroo pouch on the bottom of the FG-3 is far different aerodynamically than a streamlined drop tank mounted outside of the boundary layer of the fuselage. Turbulent flow is still not well understood. As Heisenberg (whose PhD thesis was on turbulent flow and who was instrumental in the development of quantum mechanics) is supposed to have said "When I meet God, I'm going to ask him two questions: why relativity? And why turbulence? I really believe he'll have an answer for the first."
Hey drgndog,

re the reduced power vs altitude

I know you know most of this, but for anyone not familiar with the effects altitude density & temperature have on the efficiency of the supercharger or turbocharger.

Below the Tropopause (~36,000 ft), as you increase altitude the engine/SC combination will become more efficient (due the temperature drop) at a faster rate than the decrease in air density will reduce the engine power - at least this is the case up to the engine critical altitude. Above the Tropopause the temperature stays the same up way past the altitude where a piston engine can operate, so the engine/SC installation will no longer gain in efficiency. This means that everything else being equal, the engine BHP will start to decrease above 36,000 ft in comparison to what it would be if the temperature kept decreasing. But RAM effect can slow down the loss of power to a degree. And contrary to what is commonly thought, a turbocharger can see gain from RAM effect, though in WWII to a lesser degree (I think) than a straight supercharger. Still (if I did my math right) the gain due to RAM effect would be about +.5 lb boost at ~40,000 ft and 450 mph, which is about the difference in altitude density between 37,800 and 42,600 ft. I have been assuming that this RAM effect accounts for the Vmax occurring at 42,600 ft (the aircraft critical altitude) rather than 37,800 ft (engine critical altitude) if there were no RAM effect.

So although I cannot say for sure whether the lesser Vmax in the chart vs what I calculated is due to the engine installation/RAM effect vs altitude effects, I do not think it would be enough to reduce the BHP by ~243 BHP - which is what would be needed to reduce the Vmax by 20 mph at those speeds (ie 440 vs 460).

I figure you are probably correct that it is due to reduced propeller efficiency and increased airframe drag due to Mach effects.
1943 was never an option. F4U-3 didn't fly until 1944.

02157 converted to XF4U-3 on change order O-3-15-42 (USN Record of acceptances), accepted on 15 August 1942, crashed 31 March 1943

17516 and 49664 diverted to XF4U-3 from contract NOa(s)-198 (The F4U-1, 1C and 1D order dated 30 June 1941, extended 14 December 1943) change dated 10 June 1943 for 2 XF4U-3 aircraft, 1 with R-2600-16B, one with R-2600-14C, (Production Program Naval Aircraft 31 May 1944, Part II, Navy Department, Bureau of Aeronautics). 17658 accepted on 11 August 1943.

Lot of web sites, with details mostly repeating each other.

Thank you, Geoffrey. I grabbed this screen shot from the Vought F4U book you linked. From this it looks like no F4U-3's flew prior to 1944.


Note that tested GW at TO = 90% of combat load. Increased speed values for Vmax woul be enhanced by a.) lower contribution of pressure drag due to lower CL, and b.) lower CL would reduce Induced Drag.

Net - reported performance must be compared to other a/c in similar state,
An aircraft that supposedly flew at 480 MPH and no one has ever heard of it. As Maxwell Smart would say "Would you believe it?"
I also note that F6F with the same engine was credited with 413 MPH a very very big difference.
I found my copy of the NACA test of the Birmann turbocharger


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