P-39 radio equipment

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Senior Airman
Looking for photos of P-39 radio equipment that match box found at crash site. The box has 4 large dials on the front of it that indicate between 100-156. I believe it might be part of the SCR-535 recognition set, but I can't find any more about it. I have the pilots manual for the P-39Q, but it does not provide enough info to possitively ID it. Thanks for any help in IDing this box.


  • P4260091.JPG
    190 KB · Views: 231
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Hey Dave - that looks like a 4 dial AM frequency tuner, but I'm guessing. The cinlindrical item above those knobs looks like a carbon pile voltage regulator.
Thats a smashed SCR-522 VHF radio-I'll try and post some pics of a more "serviceable" unit this week
As promised-Pictures on an SCR-522 VHF radio in my basement-Also, find attached the pdf manual for the same set


  • SCR-522.pdf
    7.7 MB · Views: 315
  • HPIM2151.JPG
    124.7 KB · Views: 311
  • HPIM2152.JPG
    130.4 KB · Views: 213
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