P-39-style fighter by other people? (1 Viewer)

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Soviets - they might want to install three Shvaks initially? A more powerful engine than the M-105 will be needed, so the Mikulin's V12s get used.
Actually, the Gu-1 had a Mikulin engine (AM-37, more precisely, its geared version AM-41), but it was not mass-produced. It can be safely excluded from the list - as well as low-altitude AM-38 and -42, no one will allow to take away production facilities or finished engines from the mass series IL-2/-10.
Mikulin engines were heavy, none of high-altitude engines developed in Minulin's design bureau were brought to an acceptable condition by 1946.
After the extremely unsuccessful attempt with the Gu-1, the Soviets had zero interest in building their own fighters based on the Cobra scheme.

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