Just Schmidt
Senior Airman
This is partly about the P-39, as one of my 'problems' always was that the soviets preferred the P-39 over the P-40. Well known is Stalins outspoken preferrence for it, though one should be careful to take Stalins word as gospel. But in accounts I've seen mostly on this forum during the years, it does appear that also lower down in the system, the P-39 was better liked.
So i always asked myself why, as better production quality, heavier armament, better instrumentation and an engine optimized for low level, and of course the stuff being free, all should recommend the P-40 equally well as the P-39. And yet, in as far as we have precise information from the USSR during the war, it didn't.
Therefore I find this video interesteng:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D22azJabJ04
The relevant part starts at about 19 minutes, and goes some way to explain why the P-40 wasn't an instant hit. I like the author of the video, he strikes me as fairly well researched. At least on the counts where I can check him, fx I haven't got the slightest idea how reliable his kill to loss ratios are, but it does seem that how to get that right is still a slightly contentious subject. The whole video, and part one as well, is worth watching.
Just for the record, I do think I rate the P-39 higher than many here, but then again, it dosn't take a lot. Not that I feel like starting to argue about it, I think we covered that in other threads. I hope some of you find this interesting.
So i always asked myself why, as better production quality, heavier armament, better instrumentation and an engine optimized for low level, and of course the stuff being free, all should recommend the P-40 equally well as the P-39. And yet, in as far as we have precise information from the USSR during the war, it didn't.
Therefore I find this video interesteng:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D22azJabJ04
The relevant part starts at about 19 minutes, and goes some way to explain why the P-40 wasn't an instant hit. I like the author of the video, he strikes me as fairly well researched. At least on the counts where I can check him, fx I haven't got the slightest idea how reliable his kill to loss ratios are, but it does seem that how to get that right is still a slightly contentious subject. The whole video, and part one as well, is worth watching.
Just for the record, I do think I rate the P-39 higher than many here, but then again, it dosn't take a lot. Not that I feel like starting to argue about it, I think we covered that in other threads. I hope some of you find this interesting.