Class Fragmentation
2,624 x 500 pound
128 x 400 pound
46 x 360 pound
20 x 280 pound
77 x 265 pound
24,467 x 260 pound
89 x 250 pound
4,218 x 120 pound
31 x 6 x 20 pound
9,205 x 100 pound
704 x 90 pound
8 x 80 pound
54 x 60 pound
11,068 x 20 pound
There was no U.S. 500-lb frag bomb or frag cluster; there was a 540-lb frag cluster (M27 consisting of 6 x 90-lb AN-M82). So I'm not sure what device the first line is referring to.
The 400-lb frag would be the M26 frag cluster consisting of 20 x 20-lb AN-M41.
The 360-lb frag would be the M29 frag cluster consisting of 90 x 4-lb M83.
There was no U.S. 280-lb or 265-lb frag bombs or clusters, so I'm not sure what devices those weights refer to. (There as a 280-lb British cluster, No. 23, consisting of 14 x 20-lb frag bombs.)
The 260-lb frag bomb would be the AN-M81.
There was no U.S. 250-lb frag bomb or cluster, so I'm not sure what device that weight refers to. (There was a British 250-lb class SBC which carried 12 x 20-lb frag bombs. There was also a 220-lb frag bomb, the AN-M88.)
The 120-lb frag would be the AN-M1A1/A2 cluster consisting of 6 x 20-lb AN-M41.
There was no U.S. 100-lb frag bomb or cluster, so I'm not sure what device that weight refers to. (There was a 96-lb frag cluster, the M28 consisting of 24 x 4-lb M83.)
The 90-lb frag would be the AN-M82.
There was no U.S. 80-lb or 60-lb frag bombs or clusters, so I'm not sure what devices those weights refer to.
The 20-lb frag would be the AN-M41.
Plus 13,783 rockets and 55,487,266 rounds of 0.50 calibre machine gun.
Do you have any breakdown as to how many of those rockets were the 4.5-inch M10 triple tube-launched rocket and how many were the 5-inch HVAR? (The reference books I've looked at differ on whether the HVAR was used in Europe.)