Chief Master Sergeant
In Dean, "America's Hundred Thousand," he gives, in a simple analysis of relative diving accelerations starting at about 30 degree and 90 degree dives the following; #1 P38G, tied for second, P51D, F4U1D, #3 P47D. "After a few thousand feet in a vertical dive all the AC would be approaching or would reached their respective one g limit dive speeds as listed below for the altitude of 10000 feet." The P47D, P51D and P63A are all tied at 500 mph IAS, 1g. The P38 is way down the list. Now a question? In a vacuum, all objects fall at the same rate regardless of shape or weight, correct? The reason for that is that in a vacuum there is no friction or drag caused by the air, correct? If that is true then why would a P47, which has a much larger drag coefficient than a P51 in air be able to catch and pass a P51 regardless of weight or mass?