Reply to Sal Monella >>>
This has been fun, try your best to stop making this personal, my sphincter, and what I do with it is not open for discussion here, I believe there is a thread for off topic things, where you may be able to satisfy your newly found interest. Please note, as I have not posted anything there, all data has been extrapolated using the best available models.
More on topic, I feel we are getting to be repetitive… but I have a new angle for ya…
This time, in effort to beat the eraser, I'll start from where you started: Like most of us, it seems we must each edit data that is available. We all must extrapolate the data we find. I tried to point this out using the Cradle of Aviation article you asked I read. I posted the info given for the XP-47J to show that we all (yes including myself) are guilty of being able to slant, ever so slightly taint things 'our way' even when we know better. A better example (within Sal approved data) I can not, as of yet, find; how in the world (of sim reality beer) can an aircraft, whose best climb rate, taking what was printed at face value, be 4,900 ft/min @ SL 4,400 ft/min at 20,000 ft reach 20,000 in 4min 15 sec.? Want to know; Mother Nature has an opinion, guarding the '47, as it was her favorite plane of the time, she aided the craft with a well placed blast of her nostril… There fore defeating the best mathematician at there own game as she hates being quantified. So yeah, I decipher what I see, as you do. Take your beloved service manual, better yet, the service manual for a T-38 (I choose this aircraft as it is not a fighter; an aircraft whose service manual, I've seen, OK about 20 years ago, but I saw it, I figure represents both neutral ground, higher level of production). On the flight line, there was not a single pair of aircraft that exactly matched. When they left the factory, each was slightly different, they are built using jigs, by people. The sheet metal skins never had the rivet holes in exactly the same place. Replacement parts were/are in field tailored from their 'factory' stampings to exactly match their intended recipients. As a matter of fact, the factories normally produce these pieces (skin) ever so slightly different than original to allow 'fitting', or they are remanufactured in field using measurements from the donor for this reason. So with regard to the spec within your service books; it seems you expect my data to match yours exactly. It can't. Mine was taken from serial number 'x' and yours from 'y' it says so on the cover of my service manual. My plane is 158 lbs heavier than yours, at combat weight, climbs 180 ft /min slower, goes 11 mph faster. All these numbers seem just impossible to you, just 'plane' hogwash. You are entitled. As for me, the worst number here may be the climb rate; ((180/2900)*100) I'm off 6.2% from your bible, that, according to you, is just completely out of the ball park… your sending the clean up crew after the 'litter'. Mind you, I'd take a 6.2% improvement in my income, so this number is significant, to be sure, but it is hardly grounds for dismissal; we should be able to work on this together, as I'm willing to 'fix' my data; please just send me a copy of the original, or point me as to where to acquire it, I left E-mail address, you can see them in my profile. No more slander OK, the data is not WRONG, your data is not wrong. Climbing to 20,000 ft in 4min 15 sec, in an aircraft whose best climb rate is 4,900 ft/min, that's wrong.
For a closer look at how combat weight within my tables are determined: I started with 10997 lbs (funny, practically the same number, somebody please fill the tires), to which I added a 225 lb pilot, 75 lb radio, 30 lbs fudge factor (maybe the pilot naked is 225, maybe the radio weighs more, maybe there was 5 gallons of gas stuck from the last flight), 529 lbs of guns (M2=66.1 lbs), 1296 lbs of bullets (5.184 oz/round) @ 500 rpg 3336 lbs of fuel (6 lbs per gal/556 gal). This brings me to my 'combat weight figure'. I propose your Republic book I have one or more of the following happening, we have different pilots in mind, or a different amount of ammo.
As for the rest of my numbers, again they do not exactly match yours, we may argue about .3 sq foot of wing area, a ¼ inch in length; I feel as if this would not warrant a letter home to mama, you feel as if they disqualify my stats. OK.
But Sal, I have hope in you.
On Match Rules: We're going to race a semi, against a pick up truck at a drag strip. These two anonymous vehicles, although designed for clearly different purposes have in common the ability to tow a 14' power boat on its trailer, my intended 'job' for these vehicles, a sales man. I've told the salesman, who's paid by commission, to apply my deposit on the victor, as beside towing the boat, I want as much acceleration as I can get, that's what I want; of all the vehicles here, it's between these two. Now the semi is 10 times the price of the pick up, so the commissioned sales man says, hey Einstein (or bub), tell you what I'm goanna do, I'm goanna make this fair. The semi is currently equipped with 4 extra tires, 1 extra axel, a hitch that weighs a lot more than is required, it's got the capacity for all this extra gas. Now I promise that you will receive all of the features capacity of whichever truck wins, but I'm goanna take all this unnecessary stuff off, just for this race, so that you may more properly judge the results. Now it's clear that I would not accept these terms, further it's clear what the objectives are all around. I find the race as probable as our dogfight, we each see the other as the salesman. I'm not convinced that I'm in any way handicapping the semi, by requiring the salesman to keep the vehicles as they are, feel it wasn't be proper for the salesman to suggest loading the pickup with 4 semi tires, axel, and fuel tanks, as either which way, I'm screwed! …So much for your bomb analogy.
Happy Bird Day To All