As In Mission Plan. If Recon in single ship or Element, no formation assembly required -Start and warm up at 1200 rpm at 20 gal/hr, taxi and take off at MEO, post takeoff and climb to cruise altitude leg at X/Gal Hr for 10 minutes, cruise leg at 60 gal per hour for 300 miles, Loiter at Z feet for 10 minutes at 40 gal/hour, Return leg of 300 miles at 60 gal/hr, Descend to 3000 feet at waypoint M - 40 miles from base, Account for 20 minutes loiter for bad weather, Land, fill out Form 1 - get a scotch at O-Club.
If Combat Escort of maximum effort Fighter Group, all the above but add 1.) takeoff and orbit field as elements of flights take off, form up for Flight, form flights up to squadron, repeat twice to get the Group formed. Add drop externals and fight for 20 minutes - return on fuel remaining.