P-51D Gun Camera Opening.

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Okay you P-51 experts. Can anyone tell me when North American switched from a circular opening for the gun camera on the port wing to a square one?
Or was it just a difference between the Inglewood bult Mustangs versus the Dallas built ones?
I can hear the pages turning from here.
IIRC, the changing wasn' the matter of the factory but of the gun camera type. The P-51D/K used the N-4 and N-6. And the N-6 one seems to be the reason for the square opening. The gun camera port had the circular shape on the P-51D-5-NA but on the P-51D-10-NA and later models, with the gun camera type was changed just to the square form.
By the way, the other piece of equipment in the photo I posted, the item with the red caps, is an oxygen mask regulator originally used in a Canadian Sabre. That particular design was used in numerous USAAF WW2 and postwar aircraft and was copied directly from captured German Luftwaffe units. I do not think anyone has written the story of how we copied the German oxygen equipment before we got in the war.
Member MiTasol made a thread of those cams


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