P-51D vs. Spitfire IX

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I hate these kind of discussions, they bring out the worst in us.

I post the below quote from Bobbysocks, not to prove the Spitfire was better but to show trying to compare aircraft that excelled at different things is pointless.

The Spitfire could be considered one of the very best single engine propeller driven fighters ever, all through its service life.

And so could the P-51

The P-51 was the biggest game changer in the airwar over europe and was almost as good as a Spitfire at doing Spitfire stuff yet was capable of doing what it did at least 5 times as far away and still fly back !

From Bobbysocks, who's Dad was Dale E Karger a 357th FS Ace

Greetings Rochie,

Thank you for this. It's a great point to make. I hope the members were aware that there was a bit of lightheartedness in my post earlier. The only pertinent point was about the EM chart showing where the P-51 seems to be at an advantage. The rest is, if you will, barbershop talk. Just like debating who is the greatest basketball player. For me, it's Wilt #1, Kareem #2, and LBJ #3. Let the debate begin.

Again, thanks for your post and viewpoint.
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There are a couple of things to add to Rochie and Bobbysocks post. The Spitfire and especially the Hurricane were game changers in 1940, without them it is possible there would be no place for any P-51s to fly from. The real game changer was US industry producing 4 engine bombers, without the bombers what threat is a P-51 to German industry and infrastructure? In the action described by Bobbysocks of his father, the Spitfire was doing what it did throughout the war, protecting the UK with all its bases which included USAAF bases. In these discussions "time is of the essence". In 1940 the P-51 didn't exist, but even if it did it would not be a better interceptor than a Hurricane or Spitfire with a 1940 Merlin engine. It may have been faster than both when it got off the ground and up to altitude, but it weighed a ton more and with only 1000BHP that is a massive extra weight to haul up to 25,000ft you cannot zoom climb until you have first climbed.
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For equity purposes lets keep it with the P-51D/Spitfire Mk IX comparison. If you want to go Spitfire Mk XIV then you need to go with the comparable generating Mustang the P-51H.

As mentioned above, the Spitfire XIV entered service more than a year before the P-51H did, months before the P-51D did and at a similar time to the P-51B.
As mentioned above, the Spitfire XIV entered service more than a year before the P-51H did, months before the P-51D did and at a similar time to the P-51B.
I do stand corrected. For some reason I had the XIV later in the war.
The Spitfire has it's own ale.

The Bf 109 has its own Schnapps.

The Mustang has it own IPA.

So, all in all, they seem fairly evenly matched ... at least until the supplies run out.

Well, it seems the image for Messerschmitt Schnapps won't post, for some reason (I tried 3 times!), so maybe the Messerschmitt needs a few improvements and a new variant.

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