P-51K Ferocious Frankie?

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von hahn

Airman 1st Class
Aug 2, 2008

I have recently seen decals of a P-51K B7*H from the 361st FG with the serial number 44-11568 named Ferocious Frankie.

I am familiar with the very well known Ferocious Frankie 44-13704 but can't find any info on the P-51K with the same name?

Does anyone know when he flew this aircraft and what happened to it?

Any info would be greatly appreciated.
I remember the current one being painted by Mick, note Frankie has a kink in the ie, they believed the name was all painted standing on a box, but the last two letters he did standing on the floor so they are at a different angle. For the other one try searching under the Sqn or the group, there may be pictures there, especially if there is an association.

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