Ranges for US navy planes, while "possible" were for speeds and altitudes that would be fatal in European flying. You can some rather amazing ranges from Spitfires and 109s if you fly them at 180mph at 5,000ft
An important point people forget with advertised ranges. One Wildcat ace broke down in an interview I remember watching, where he described how he was on the return leg of an escort mission, passed the last waypoint and was trimmed for lean cruise with the canopy open so he lit a cigarette. They got bounced by a flight of Zeros, who outranged them so much they could follow them all the way home and attack from high altitude over the field. In the time it took for the pilot to trim his Wildcat back to combat he said the B-17 in front of him had gone down with the crew.
In Europe you were likely to be attacked from take off to landing, there was almost no opportunity to trim the motor to burble on an oily rag while you floated around like a birdy.