Picture of the day.

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Here is a photo of a yacht that I doubt anyone ever saw or ever heard about. OK, history experts- what is the story of this boat?


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B-17s from the 305th BG bombing airfield at Stargard near Stettin 1944.

Note the smoke marker trails.

View attachment 642789

It is the Klützow ( Kluczewo ) airfield near Stargard. Until the war started in 1939 there was based Aufklärungsgruppe 21 (21. Heeres Gruppe) Luftwaffe equipped with Henschel Hs-126 scout planes. From October 1944 to January 1945 there was based the II/JG 400 with Messerschmitt Me-163Bs. After the war the airfield was captured by Russians and changed into the VVS airbase. In 1992 the airfield was returned Poland.

the source: Topografia lotnicza Polski 1939-1945

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