Picture of the day. (2 Viewers)

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I thought THE Duomo was in Florence...is this another, non-dome Duomo?
Here you go....and you are correct.....they have cornered the market on Duomos !

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OK- no winners. This was GEN Douglas MacArthur's personal yacht "Leyte" that was moored in Yokohama. The week after my sister and I took a cruise around Tokyo Bay, the yacht blew up and sank. It wasn't a plot against MacArthur, it was unventilated gasoline vapor in the bilges that exploded when the engines started. I have never found one word of this reported anywhere.


  • Kathy and Neil- Macarthur's boat ride in Yokohama. Following week it blew up and sank.jpg
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Here you go....and you are correct.....they have cornered the market on Duomos !

Yup, Il Duomo refers to an Italian church built as a cathedral, and doesn't have to be a 'dome', and is specifically used to signify particular buildings, as we know, although the term Cattedrale is used for church cathedrals that are not duomi. Although located in Germany, this translates to the same thing, the German term being the same, it's the Berlinerdom.

Berlin Tour 87
Just like in this 1945 movie, when I visited East Berlin in 1962 there were still bucket-brigades of girls clearing rubble just behind the show facade of Karl Marx Allee. The older women Supervisors were greatly annoyed that their girls were interested in us American GIs. West Berlin, by contrast, was a prosperous, vibrant, city that had already been almost completely restored.

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