Picture of the day. (3 Viewers)

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Did returning pilots have problems with camouflaged flight decks? Those "waves" seem a little distracting.
452nd Bomb Group, 730th BS Bomber B-17G 44-6165. On return from Chemnitz Mission on Feb 6 1945, flak hit
that damaged the instruments and force landed down in field near Ghent, Belgium.
After repairs flew back to UK and crash landed at base. Returned to the US and sold for scrap metal at Kingman 13/12/45.

Didn't they have a bunch of upgrades including engines?

The small size of the FM-2 was an asset on CVEs (TBMs being another thing...). and Grumman justly could concentrate on Hellcats because Eastern took the burden of producing FM-2s and TBMs.

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