Picture of the day. (1 Viewer)

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Uhmm i was joking... Boy that back fired.
Its just you are so generous in sharing one might have thought this wasnt in your intrest sphere.

Silly me.

View attachment 754456

you are right, is not my interest area at all in most cases but I hate seeing such data disappear into a private collection as many such collections end up in the dump as soon as the collector dies and that is why I am posting so much of mine. A friend had a massive collection that went to the tip before his funeral. In revenge I told his !"£$%^ son I would have paid a thousand bucks for one particular manual.

Most of my small civil defense collection started at a market where I was talking to the wife of a guy who was selling it for a small fortune and found out he was going to bin what he did not sell. I told her I would take all the leftovers for $5. at the end of the day ans she said sold and gave me the lot. One manual is for a pressure cooker that was made by a major aircraft manufacturer post war.

Most of the rest of the civil defense stuff came from research into a specific 1942 plane crash and was in the newspapers I was reviewing.
The new German battleship Scharnhorst was ceremoniously commissioned at Wilhelmshaven, Germany, on January 7, 1939. This is the first German warship to be placed into service since the inauguration of the naval program. A view of the Scharnhorst during the commissioning ceremony at Wilhelmshaven, Germany.


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