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The Bf-109 was generally more maneuverable in the horizontal pane, especially the F series. The Fw-190 had higher climb rate, speed and acceleration. It could dive or climb away from opponents weapon parameters and approach from the rear or above, where a slower opponent is unable turn his weapons.

The shorter wings generate less drag and improve roll rate. This is important because in a defensive scenario the pilot is unlikely to out-turn his pursuer, instead uses abrupt changes in flight direction; left to right, up and down, also known as "scissors". Followed by a smooth evasive drive or climb to acquire the pursuer from a higher perch.
Heinrich Bartels at Kalamaki airfield in Greece with his ME-109 and current total of 70 kill marks.
According to official figures he eventually scored a total of 99 victories, including 49 on the Eastern Front and 50 in the skies of Germany against Allied air raids.
American P-47 Thunderbolts killed him over Bonn in 1944, age 26.
In 1968 his Bf-109G-10 with his remains still in the cockpit were found deep in the ground near the town of Meckenheim.

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