Picture of the day.

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I'm not sure the pic was taken in Poland. The year 1939 in the pic caption , doesn't mean it was taken there. I would say it's very likely somewhere in the former Czechoslovakia.
Pretty sure it was Poland. In the Bundesarchiv here is the link to that picture: Bundesarchiv - Picture database: Simple search

The caption reads:
Short title:

Polen, Zivilisten, Soldat auf Krad


September 1939
Pretty sure it was Poland. In the Bundesarchiv here is the link to that picture: Bundesarchiv - Picture database: Simple search

The caption reads:
Short title:

Polen, Zivilisten, Soldat auf Krad

September 1939

This is a propaganda shot. The original title of the pic is "Volksdeutsche reichen ihren Befreiern einen frischen trunk "Fr" OKW". The translation is... The Volksdeutschers offering a fresh beverage to heir liberator". Because it is a propaganda pic it could have been taken everywhere in 1939. The close area to the German/Polish frontier is possible Judging by the landscape it could be the South borderline. Additionaly , none of Poles here in Poland would give anything a Nazi German during the September Campaign 1939. Unless it would be a bullet.

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Yes I am sure it is a propaganda shot, however every reference I can find for it mentions Poland as the location. So in short there is no reason to doubt the location. The veracity of the sentiment expressed in the picture is indeed somewhat in doubt however there was a large german speaking population in Poland some of whom certainly welcomed the invasion.

In the same archive and from the same period is another photo which is labeled as "German women living in Poland giving bread to German troops."

And now it is more possible. German living in Poland.. sounds OK. But judging of the landscape and quality of the road in the background, also by the fence, still having doubts. The appearance of the polish land in that time was really a little bit different I would say.. However the title is the title.

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