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... the Heer is 'claiming it' from airstrikes ... Army Group North was 'ambushed; by the KV-1 at first but they learned to use them as their own ... same with the T-34 ....
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Yes ... could have been, most certainly were, French Renaults and Citrons in the supply train.
.... from the Czech Grab in 1938 until the conquest of France and Western Europe ... it was The German Reich acquiring arms and industry to fight the giants ...... Russia and America ... IMO.
Long term, it didn't work well .... compared to the staggering mobilization that USA and Soviets were able to put out.

Dunkirk was a 'yard sale' for the Heer
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The China-Japan War demands to be understood and digested by we in the West who have taken-in America's heroic tale of the Pacific War with our mother's milk, so to speak. It mattered then and it matters even more today, as we confront a nationalistic, capitalistic, expansionist CHINA. The Chinese people know OUR history better than we know THEIRS.
The death of democracy started with the Shanghai Massacre of 1927 - endorsed by Chang and the Inner Circle but - outsourced to Shanghai's Green Gang. Exterminate the Commies in Shanghai - a breeding ground for 'ideas'.
This is 6 years before Hitler came to power, concurrant with Mussolini's beginnings ... but the 'shape' of Fascist Regimes was the face, of Nationalist China.
From the outset, Chang's War was with the Communists - he slaughtered them. So, as with The Eastern Front and Spain (fought from 1936 to 1939) things were political, and vicious

1935 - 1945 the longest campaign of WW2 ... and oddly .... a campaign where an influential portion of Chinese society wanted the Japanese in control because they did it ruthlessly .. business and trade flourished.
But, could Chang's knock-off Heer fight and win? In General Stillwell's view, the Nationalists never took the challenge for what it really was.
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