Pictures of BF109G Erla-Haube?

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von hahn

Airman 1st Class
Aug 2, 2008
Hi all.

Does anybody have any close-up photos of the ERLA-HAUBE canopies fitted to BF109 G-10s? In particular, I'm interested in whether they had the canopy handles, knobs and internal diagonal wires- (what were those for, anyway?)- that the reguar canopies had?

Hope this will help a little...


  • Copy of Squadron-Signal - Aircraft 057 - Messerschmitt Bf109 (Part 2)_Page_40.jpg
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  • Copy of Squadron-Signal - Aircraft 057 - Messerschmitt Bf109 (Part 2)_Page_49.jpg
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  • Copy of 121.jpg
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Great work Igor.
VH, if you aren't in a rush, I can post some pics of wartime vintage, of close-ups of the Erla canopy. I'm trying to catch up on correspondance etc after being away for a week!
The radio mast could be integral to the canopy, or on the fuselage, and yes, the canopy locking/release handle was as per the 'standard' canopy. The diagonal lines were red, used for aircraft on bombing operations normally, to give a visual angle against the horizon.

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