Pictures of Cold War aircraft. (1 Viewer)

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U.S. Air Force C-141 Starlifter aircraft (right) from the 62nd Military Airlift Squadron, and a C-130 Hercules aircraft above
snow-covered mountains, in Oregon, 24 October 1983.

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FRED ( Freaking Ridicules Economic Disaster) and a Hurky bird. I know it's photoshopped because it shows FRED flying. We all know that's a joke!

Correction, it's not FRED, it's his little brother the C-141B, a wonderful aircraft. Really hard to believe the 130, 141, and FRED aka C-5 came from the same manufacturer!
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I remember seeing it at an airshow in 1987, it was on the back of a truck. It is one of a few fuselages that the Deutsches Technikmuseum held, but it isn't this one on display in the museum.

An assortment of Chinese Cold War warriors on display in the People's Liberation Army Museum in Beijing.

Xian H-6 licence produced Tupolev Tu-16, this type is still in production and service, although highly modified with turbofans and modern avionics.

Military Museum 17

Tuploev Tu-2, not built by the Chinese.


Shenyang JJ-2 licence built MiG-15UTI. This was the first Soviet type that the Chinese built under licence.


MiG-15bis, contrary to popular belief, the Chinese did not build the single-seat MiG-15 under licence. The single-seaters in PLAAF service were all built in Russia, although Chinese-made sections were added to them. What confuses people is that they received the designation J-2 denoting the single-seat variant of the Shenyang JJ-2.


"Meritorious Fighter" North Korean MiG-15 that was flown by a Chinese pilot in the Korean War, in which he shot down four enemy aircraft. Gifted to China by the DPRK.


Shenyang J-6, one of the most widely produced Cold War aircraft, the J-6 was in production in China for more than 30 years, production outstripping the original MiG-19 by many years, with considerable export sales to boot.


Shenyang J-8I.


Nanchang Q-5 Fantan, based on the ubiquitous Shenyang J-6.


Chengdu J-7, licence-built MiG-21F-13 model, the foundation for a lot of China's Cold War jet technology and a successful export type as the F-7.


Shenyang J-5, licence-built MiG-17.


Shenyang JJ-5, the mating of the forward fuselage of a JJ-2/MiG-15UTI to the rear fuselage of the Shenyang J-5.


Shenyang JJ-6, two-seat J-6, a variant of the MiG-19 built exclusively in China.


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