Pictures of Cold War aircraft. (1 Viewer)

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The U.S. Navy Lockheed KC-130F Hercules (BuNo 149798) from Transport
Squadron 1 (VR-1), loaned to the U.S. Naval Air Test Center aboard the
aircraft carrier USS Forrestal (CVA-59) on 30 October 1963. The Navy was
trying to determine if the big Hercules could serve as a 'Super-COD' —
a 'Carrier On-board Delivery' aircraft. The problem was there was no
aircraft which could provide resupply to a carrier in mid ocean. The
Hercules was stable, reliable, and had a long cruising range and high
payload." "The tests were more than successful. At 85,000 pounds
[39,000 kg], the C-130F came to a complete stop within 267 feet [81.4 meters]
, and at the maximum load [121,000 pounds, 55,000 kg], the plane used
only 745 feet [227.1 meters] for take-off [and 460 feet, 140.2 meters, for
landing]. The Navy concluded that with the C-130 Hercules, it would be
possible to lift 25,000 pounds [11,000 kg] of cargo 2,500 miles [4,000 km]
and land it on a carrier. However, the idea was considered a bit too risky
for routine COD operations. The C-2A Greyhound program was developed
and the first of these planes became operational in 1965.


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