planes that were lesser heard of.

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What about the Avro 533 Manchester of WW1? It is hardly heard about and there seem to be few photos of it on the internet. It is a heavy bomber of WW1. Its later namesake the Avro 633 (think it was that number) Manchester became the Avro Lancaster with two engines and a small amount of design work.
How about the Sopwith Triplane?

I was pretty surprised to learn that Sopwith made such a thing. Oh well, live and learn.
Jake said:
How about the Sopwith Triplane?

I was pretty surprised to learn that Sopwith made such a thing. Oh well, live and learn.
The Fokker DR.1 was built in response to the Sopwith.
who? you or the Spad?
I have Jane's Aircraft of World War I
it is a remake of the old "All the World's Aircraft" book

I've seen things like the Pfalz D.XXI
A nar-something Quadruplane
Triplane projects that lost to the Fokker Dr.I

Huge 5-engined Zeppelin aircraft (they were airplanes, not airships)
I flew junkers in the game by Little Rockets called "Red Ace Squadron."

It's a neat plane, it may sound crazy but if you turn off the engine in the game it makes a great glider. It's also quite manuverable.

You can download a demo version of this pretty good game from Real Acade or buy it from them too.
Pfalz D.XII, source on right click

Pfalz D.III, a supplement to the Albatross series, source on right click

Zeppelin-Staaken R.XIV, Reisenflugzeug (giant airplane), soue on right click

Siemens-Schukert D.III, a plane almost as good as the Fokker D.VII, but few produed due to engine problems, source on right click

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