Potez 63-11 new build by Jean-Marie Garric

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Airman 1st Class
Nov 29, 2004
Houston, TX
I hear someone is building a Potez 63-11, Jean-Marie Garric the name, in Texas, anyone know where and contact info?

yes sir there is a potez 63 11 being built in a city in deep south texas and the build is coming along very well how do i know you ask well because i am volunteering my time to help mr garric build this beautiful war bird. i feel very lucky to be a part of this once in a life time experiance
I cannot wait to see this plane fly!! I would love to help in Mr. Garric's endeavor! Interestingly, the plane only has the rudders painted, can't see the roundels on the fuselage or wings, though from the angle of the photo they may be obscured. Looks much like a prototype in this scheme.

Hopefully, this will encourage the WW 2 GHOSTS to add this aircraft in their calendar.
I cannot wait to see this plane fly!! I would love to help in Mr. Garric's endeavor! Interestingly, the plane only has the rudders painted, can't see the roundels on the fuselage or wings, though from the angle of the photo they may be obscured. Looks much like a prototype in this scheme.

Hopefully, this will encourage the WW 2 GHOSTS to add this aircraft in their calendar.

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