Propeller Cross Section

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Jan 19, 2019
I am a hobbyist, and am trying to model propellers for various aircraft using SolidWorks then 3D print them. Where would I find accurate cross section data for aircraft like the F4U Corsair, P40, P51?

Thank you,

R. Yablonski
I am a hobbyist, and am trying to model propellers for various aircraft using SolidWorks then 3D print them. Where would I find accurate cross section data for aircraft like the F4U Corsair, P40, P51?

Thank you,

R. Yablonski

For the Hamilton props, try contacting the UTAS historian, via their PR office. For all US props, you could also try digging into NASA's archive or Cranfield's Aerade site. Service and maintenance manuals may have this information, too, so try hunting up overhaul and repair shops. I think GregP is involved in aircraft restoration; he may have the information or know who does.
I have bee trying to find a copy of 130 B. So far Collins has been a dead end.

Does anyone else have any more information. By the way the model is a Guillows F4F, props, Hub, drop tanks all hand carved.
I have bee trying to find a copy of 130 B. So far Collins has been a dead end.

Does anyone else have any more information. By the way the model is a Guillows F4F, props, Hub, drop tanks all hand carved.
I am still looking for propeller information

I am drawing a blank trying to find blue prints for the Hamilton Standard Props used on the Corsair. Does anyone have any additional information for me to check out?

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